Does Your Child Need a Tooth Extraction?

Could a tooth extraction actually benefit your child’s growing smile for the long run?tooth extraction

We know that as parents you are working hard to make sure that your child gets the health care they need to grow up healthy and strong. Part of keeping them healthy also means visiting our Lake Havasu, AZ, pediatric dentists for regular dental cleanings and exams. Of course, in some instances, we may recommend that your child get a tooth extraction. Find out more about this procedure and why it’s necessary.

If our Lake Havasu, AZ, children’s dentists decide that a tooth extraction is something your little one could benefit from then it could be for several reasons. In most cases, a tooth extraction is performed if,

  • There is such extensive decay that a tooth can’t be saved
  • A tooth has a fracture that goes below the gumline
  • There is severe crowding (a tooth extraction can be beneficial before orthodontic treatment to free up space)

How is a tooth extraction performed?

The type of extraction will really depend on your child’s specific needs. If the tooth has fully erupted then it can often be removed with a simple extraction, in which we will numb the area with local anesthesia before removing the whole tooth with forceps.

Of course, if the tooth hasn’t fully erupted from the gums (also known as an impaction) then we will need to perform a more advanced extraction in which your child will be given not just local anesthesia but also sedation dentistry so they don’t feel discomfort during their treatment. In this case, we will need to open up the gums to reveal the tooth. From there the tooth is broken into multiple pieces before being removed.

How do you care for your little one’s smile post-extraction?

The recovery process will be different depending on the type of extraction your child received. Of course, we will always place a sterile piece of gauze over the area to make sure that a blood clot forms. The blood clot is crucial for healing.

We may also prescribe a painkiller for your child to take to reduce pain during the recovery process. You may also apply a wrapped ice pack to the face where the extraction is to ease pain and swelling.

You will need to alter their diet to make sure they are only eating soft foods. Do not let your little one drink from a straw, as the sucking motion could loosen the blood clot. We will also provide tips on how to properly brush and floss after a tooth extraction.

Cosmic Kids Dentistry in Lake Havasu, AZ, boasts compassionate, gentle care to child of all ages. We know that the dentist isn’t the most fun part about being a kid but we certainly make sure to provide customized pediatric dentistry so that your child feels comfortable and happy coming into our office.